
Q4 Route 66 EVA Meeting - October 19, 2024

Hello, all! We will have our next meeting of the Route 66 EVA on October 19, 2024 at 1PM Pacific (including Arizona time). Agenda: - Celebrate TEVA Dave, the late president of the Tucson EVA. - New chargers opening along Route 66 - Drive Electric Week reports - The future of Route 66 EVA Thank you again to Pat Quinn, our diligent Zoom-Master, for his continuing work in providing our Zoom platform! Here's the meeting link: Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 Educate - Explore - Electrify!

Q3 Route 66 EVA Meeting - July 20th, 2024

Route 66 and EV Enthusiasts, are you ready for another meeting? This quarter, we'd like to focus on charging changes along Route 66, with a special report from Mike and Jess May on some of the charging stations they used while traveling from Las Vegas, NV to Tulsa, OK for the AAA Route 66 RoadFest. Join us Saturday, July 20th, at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern by following this link: Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 See you then!
Hello, fellow Route 66 and EV Enthusiasts!! Please join us tomorrow, April 20th, at 1pm Pacific and AZ, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, and 4pm Eastern for our next Zoom meeting!! Tomorrow, I'd like to announce an exciting new chapter of the national DRIVE Electric organization, and what my involvement in it can mean for our little group! I'd also love to discuss upcoming events along Route 66, specifically the 35th Annual Fun Run in AZ this May 3rd through 5th. For more information and to sign up, see this link from the Valley of the Sun EVA:  https://! event/2024/5/3/2024-historic- route-66-arizona-fun-run  . And of course, time permitting, any other topics that may come up! Thank you again to Pat Quinn, our diligent Zoom-Master, for his continuing work in providing our Zoom platform! Here's the meeting link: 81031940559?pwd= b3ozRVI5V2phV0diL3BibjkvUXdOdz 09 Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 We hope to see you

February Zoom Meeting

Please join us this Saturday, Feb. 17th at 12 pm Pacific, 1 pm AZ & Mountain, 2 pm Central, and 3 pm Eastern for our monthly Zoom meeting! This month, we'd like to discuss upcoming EV-centric events along the Mother Road. Do you know of any events coming up? We'll definitely touch on the AZ Route 66 Fun Run, May 3rd, 4th, and 5th; for more information see this link from the Valley of the Sun EVA:!event/2024/5/3/2024-historic-route-66-arizona-fun-run As always, a huge "Thank You!" is to be directed at our own Pat Quinn, for hosting us on his Zoom account. Here is the link to our meeting: Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 The Hackberry General Store is one of many attractions to visit during the AZ Route 66 Fun Run.

First Route 66 EVA meeting of 2024

Please join us tomorrow, January 20, 2024 at 12pm Pacific, 1pm Arizona, 3pm Eastern for our first Route 66 EVA meeting for 2024! The topics will be: Charging in the Cold and Charging Changes! Follow the Zoom link below to join us: 81031940559?pwd= b3ozRVI5V2phV0diL3BibjkvUXdOdz 09 Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 We hope to see you there! Not Chicago, but still kinda cold! Kingman, AZ

Last Meeting of 2023

Good evening, Route 66 and EV enthusiasts! Please join us tomorrow for our final meeting of 2023! We plan to discuss Drive Electric Week events, and any new charging situations that may have popped up on Route 66. Tomorrow, October 21, 2023, at 1pm Pacific. Follow the link below: 81031940559?pwd= b3ozRVI5V2phV0diL3BibjkvUXdOdz 09 Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66

Join us in Kingman Arizona for Drive Electric Week!

This Saturday September 23, the Route 66 EVA will be co-hosting a Drive Electric Week event in Kingman, Arizona. A few of the cars on display at the 2022 Drive Electric Week event in Kingman The Andy Devine Days Parade takes place at 10 AM, and this year a parade unit has been entered by the Historic Electric Vehicle Foundation , featuring a few EVs from their collection, and then they will be joining us to co-host the Drive Electric Week event at the Kingman Powerhouse Visitor Center at 1 PM, where EV owners will be sharing their experiences and showing their cars to the public. The Powerhouse also holds the HEVF's Route 66 EV Museum, which will be open for free admission during the event. One of the EVs on display at the Route 66 EV Museum If you own an EV and would like to show it to others at the event, you can still sign up at the National Drive Electric Week web site: Join us at Drive Electric Week, and chat with fellow owners