February Zoom Meeting

Please join us this Saturday, Feb. 17th at 12 pm Pacific, 1 pm AZ & Mountain, 2 pm Central, and 3 pm Eastern for our monthly Zoom meeting! This month, we'd like to discuss upcoming EV-centric events along the Mother Road. Do you know of any events coming up? We'll definitely touch on the AZ Route 66 Fun Run, May 3rd, 4th, and 5th; for more information see this link from the Valley of the Sun EVA: https://valleyofthesuneva.org/events#!event/2024/5/3/2024-historic-route-66-arizona-fun-run As always, a huge "Thank You!" is to be directed at our own Pat Quinn, for hosting us on his Zoom account. Here is the link to our meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81031940559?pwd=b3ozRVI5V2phV0diL3BibjkvUXdOdz09 Meeting ID: 810 3194 0559 Passcode: Route66 The Hackberry General Store is one of many attractions to visit during the AZ Route 66 Fun Run.