January Zoom meeting, national EVA meeting

Route 66 EVA Zoom Meetings Resume, January 21 The Route 66 EVA is shifting back into Drive on Saturday, January 21 with the resumption of our monthly Zoom meeting! It begins at 12 PM Pacific Time / 3 PM Eastern Time. Here's the agenda, courtesy of Program Coordinator "EVJerry" Asher: I. Introductions with President/Ambassador Jessica II. Membership Updating and Renewals with Jim III. Route 66 EVA Website Updating, and dashcam with Mike & Jessica, ElectricRoute66.com IV. EVision'ing Route 66 EVA for 2023...and upcoming EVents V. Updating Historic Electric Vehicle Foundation Activities with Jeff & Associates VI. Federal Tax Credits...and More! Maybe NEVI Discussion with TEVADave VIII. Wrap Up * NOTE: NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) Formula program previously presented by Damond Osterhus in conjunction with Map of EV Deployment Plan Corri...